
Lecture by historian Alain Pigeard

Portrait Napoléon Ier
Napoléon Ier, Empereur, huile sur toile, François Gérard, 1805
Specialising in Napoleon I, the Napoleonic era and notably military history, Alain Pigeard will give a lecture on the Emperor in Seine-et-Marne at the Fontainebleau Municipal Theatre, on 16 October.

The lecture, on the topic of the daily life in Napoleon's armies, will be given by the first French specialist in Napoleonic military history and author of 70 books on Napoleon and his era.

Practical information:

  • Free admission subject to reservation by e-mail to this mail adress.
  • Théâtre municipal, 9 rue Denecourt, 77920 Fontainebleau.